22 August 2012

okay so maybe i was a lil ambitious...

Yeah daily topics... not working...

NEW TACTIC - write a new post at least twice a week... seems do able :)

SO on to today's post...

The fact that I spend almost all my time on the internet with a Facebook tab open is not a good thing for me... it used to be and now its not.  I don't know why i have to have it open its just basically people telling you about shit they either find funny or about their own personal problems, yes I do this sometimes as well were all guilty of it now and then.

Facebook is a place where you can say that your friends with other people, brag about shit no-one cares about or so you can get the latest gossip about who's sleeping with who or what your ex's from 10 years ago are up to now.

So why do I still need it, I know I'm a creature of habit so that may be partly the reason.  I know I don't really have self-control when it comes to certain things and that may also be a factor but to sit there at this mostly white page and skim down about 90% of bullshit that I don't really care about confuses me, a few times I've considered deactivating my Facebook but I cant do it because:

I Am Dan, and I am a Social Media Whore!

And I know that I am because it came up in a previous conversation after i got Twitter, my girlfriend at the time questioned why I need all these Social Media sites and in honesty because I'm a fickle nosey bastard that likes to know certain news (not all of it) and because I cant stop myself from trying them out.  (Yes I can bring this up because if I'm honest I'd doubt that she would read this and I don't think her family take that much of an interest in my life to tell her so...)

Seriously, started out seriously with a fucking webpage thing of which the name escapes me, then onto Bebo because it was the next best thing ever!  After which I jumped almost immediately onto the Myspace band wagon and then Facebook.  Then I categorically stated that as I had Facebook there would be two things I never got... A Blog and a Twitter! Low and behold what happened? I got a Blog and a Twitter... Now I know I have followers on Twitter but whether that's because im interesting or because I'm friends with most of these people is a different question and that question can also apply to this... I've seen that I've had people visit this a few times since I've had it and been writing the type of random shit that pops into my mind and I've also seen that it comes from Facebook which makes me wonder if these people wonder what I have to say or if they just want to try and poke fun or just being a nosey bastard.

But now... I enjoy blogging even it no-one else reads it, it gives me a chance to put my thoughts down and get out of my head for about 20minutes while I think of something to write about.

If I had a decent idea this creative energy would become a novel or something but I've never been a creative person because I lack the skills musically or with literature or art or anything like that as much as I would like to be I cant so this will have to do for now.

The only thing I would like on this would be some comments signed or unsigned... just for my own reasons of being a little bit egotistical and knowing that some people out there are actually reading what I'm saying.  If not I'm cool with that too and I leave you with this NSFW video that made me laugh earlier on that I found on a Facebook Wall. (It is good for some things)

Damn song's too fucking catchy ¬¬

15 August 2012

Weekly Wednesday 5! yeah i know...

So in a change of fate it seems I have nothing to rant about today.  Nothing I can think of in any case so INSTEAD! I'm going to take this opportunity to make up for not posting on Monday! As for yesterday well I didn't find anything to post about... THEREFORE! I Give To You!

My Weekly Wednesday 5!

Starting In at my 5th favourite thing of the week will be:

From Cologne in Germany this is Europe's equivalent to E3 minus the PRESS-ONLY label!  Anyone is welcome to attend providced you have a ticket and are able to view the upcoming games and even play a few for yourself.  The press conferences are over and can be found on the internet but for the next 3 Days! Treyarch (creators of many games in the Call Of Duty franchise) will be livestreaming Multiplayer content from the next installment in the series Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Twitch Tv at 5PM UK time.  Enjoy and salivate over the content.


Number 4 on my list is:
3 shows I LOVE! 2 legal comedy-esque Drama and a detective show about brilliant but albeit eccentric neuroscientist.

Franklin & Bash. Starring Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Breckin Meyer.  Two lawyers who like to play by their own rules in the courtroom if they feel neccessary in order to help their client.

Suits.  Starring Gabriel Macht and Patrick J. Adams.  One of the TOP lawyers in the country takes on a college drop out with dreams of practising law professionally with the twist of having near superhuman powers of memory.

Perception. Starring Eric McCormack.  Dr Daniel Pierce, the eccentric neuroscientist, with the ability to see things differently because of his intelligence and medical differences from most people, aids a former student come FBI agent to solve cases.

Number 3 will be:
A playlist of amazing Youtube video's from the Geek And Sundry Channel founded by the producers of "The Guild" and produce original material from Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, Paul And Storm and others.  But my number 3 will be TableTop.  A series of videos that feature Wil Wheaton and 3 guests playing tabletop board games of many varieties. Watch if your a bit of a geek, love Wil Wheaton or just have some time and fancy a few giggles.


Number 2!:
This features Myself and my friend Nai at the pub making complete tits out of ourselves while almost still completely sober!

Lastly my PICK OF THE WEEK! Was reached 2nd! on the Youtube Top 100!  Catchy ass song and a hilarious video... I give to you... Gangnam Style!

Enjoy yourself Internet :)

9 August 2012

Throwback Thursday!!

On today's throwback thursday I'm choosing to talk about the amazing cartoon of my childhood :) Dragonball Z.

On of the best shows of my childhood... Took a while for me to get into it and when I did finally watch it my first memory was the episode that included Gohan going literally Ape Shit! and Piccolo destroying the moon.  My expression from this day was in two halves.

One: "WTF? How did he just destroy the moon? What they gonna do at night time?" - I was like 7
Two: "Holy Sh*t this is like the best show on TV!"

And since that day I was hooked, never missed an episode, I came back from school everyday just in time to make it before it started on Toonami (something else that needs to be brought back to the TV)

The reason this is on my mind is because of the amount of anime that I've been watching lately from Tenchi Muyo and about to start re-watching Outlaw Star.

This was just a reminder for you to think back to some of your fondest TV shows, movies, games etc. from when you were younger and maybe relive some of those memories now.

8 August 2012

weekly wednesday rant :)

So what's pissed me off today then?

 Well while checking up on news and goings on via my Facebook feed, I came across this interesting story...

Warner Bros. Looks to Ben Affleck for Justice League:

And why am I annoyed by this?

I'll admit I've not watched anything that Ben Affleck has directed, but given his track record with superhero movies (Daredevil) I don't think I trust him to bring these iconic comic book characters to life on the big screen.  Now I've made my feelings about the Christopher Nolan Batman franchise very clear! Even to the point that there are at least 2 blog posts here about the Dark Knight Rises. But I'm in two minds about this.  On the one hand I'm pleased that Nolan isn't in the running for this position but on the other hand I think Warner Brothers needs to take on a more seasoned director that understands the characters, their back stories, personalities etc..  My PERSONAL choice for this position would be someone like Joss Whedon .

A Joss Whedon for the DC Universe HAS!!! to be found otherwise Marvel's superhero team up films will always be superior to DC and the Avengers will continue to reign supreme as one of if not THE BEST film of 2012.

I couldn't personally give any idea of who I'd like to see in place of Ben Affleck but the few people I can think of not including Joss Whedon... Zack Snyder (Watchmen & Man Of Steel), Edgar Wright (Scott Pilgrim & Ant Man) and my 3rd choice would be Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass & X-Men: The First Class)

As for actors in the film, I'm going to have to reserve that right until i hear anyone that's in the line-up to possibly play the characters...

But as long as its not Christian Bale as Batman I'm pretty much set :)

Daily Topics :)

Changes to the formatting...

So I've decided that I need to use this more often and in a concious effort to do so I'm going to make changes.  Firstly with the inclusion of daily topics 
5 days a week and as and when I feel like posting something :)  Probably going to follow this type of format:

  • Miscellaneous Mondays - Will include the top 5 things that I managed to find the previous week or something topical
  • Techy Tuesdays - Anything Internet, Tech, Gaming etc. related that I personally find interesting 
  • What I Want Wednesday's - Wednesday is "Hump Day" for most people (if you call if that... Natural Selection's coming for you) and on this day! I'm just going vent whatever I feel like...
  • Throwback Thursdays - This is where I look back fondly on some of the things I used to love like movies, TV shows, Games, Memories ect.
  • Fuck It Fridays - This is an as and when I can be arsed to post anything at all.  No discernible topic might be something that's pissed me off that day or it could be a stupid video that I make while I'm out and about maybe at the pub or in a club :)
So there we have it :) don't really care if this is just for me but it's also being linked to an RSS feed for my Twitter and Facebook so if you come across it on either one... Sub up, Comment and Enjoy :)

1 August 2012

Call Me Lil Washuuu Okay?? :)

So in a desperate effort to find something decent to watch I've decided to go back to the classics...

Good Old, Tenchi Muyo!  This was a classic back in the '90s and I watched it almost DAILY when it was on Toonami (Back when TV, Cartoons and Kids Cartoons were good!).  Because the only TV upstairs was in my room me and my little sister used to sit in my room and watch mainly anime shows such as Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon and Outlaw Star :)

Those were the good old days indeed :)  But watching them back I've remembered how good these shows were and even now they're making me laugh at times :)

Its also making me want my own little Cabbit called Ryo-Ohki, it's like the cutest pet EVER! :D I mean how can you say no to this :)

26 July 2012

Batman Additional...

OH! I forgot something else...


get it right mother fucker!!!

Its pronounced RAYSH!!! RAY-SH AL GHUL!

2 fucking movies I've had to endure the mispronunciation of that name and its like nails on a fucking chalkboard to me ¬¬

BATMAN - Bad Acting, Terrible Movie, and NOLAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!

So... to many of you out there this isn't going to be a pleasant thing... that is of course on the provision that you read this.

So I've just come back from seeing The Dark Knight Rises and as I predicted... Nolan did it again... he took something and trashed it for the sake of box office reviews.

Almost from start to finish I found this film unbearably average and not the critically acclaimed, film of the year as everyone seems to be designating it.

I don't want to go too far into parts of it because of spoilers in case anyone reads this and hasn't seen it yet. So instead I'll focus on the issues that annoyed me.

1) YOU CANT JUST FUCKING ADD CHARACTERS INTO AN ESTABLISHED UNIVERSE!!!! My GOD Nolan this isn't some scribbled out film like Inception where you can just throw in new characters here and there...

2) WHAT THE FUCK is up with Bane's voice!!! He sounds like Sean Connery with fucking throat cancer :|

3) Bane's Mask... BULLSHIT!!!

4) Christian Bale... can't act simple...

5) The ending... I know you have to wrap up at some point but like that? ¬¬

6) Gotham in the day time... Should never be done...

7) Changing iconic parts of characters because it suits you... IS NOT COOL!!!

I can't think of anything else at the minute... but as I've also just found out that Nolan is also writing the screenplay to Man Of Steel (Superman 2013 Movie) I can only guess that he's going to somehow fuck that up as well and everyone is going to be completely in love with this as well...

My feelings for the "Nolanverse" Batman Franchise are very clear... as for Film Of The Year?

Still giving it to the Marvel Comics, Box Office Smash.

Avengers Assemble...
Can't Compete With Stan Lee...

I wish I could express my hatred of Nolan with an audio clip of Sheldon Cooper shouting Nolan like he does Wheaton, but I cant :(

7 July 2012

Change in format...

So i was watching House, M.D the other day and i decided that i was under using the blogging purpose... This is going to be used more as a diary for myself tbh... so might be day to day might be weekly... dunno yet...

Check back later :)

Amazing Spiderman

Well, I finally saw Amazing Spiderman today and I have to say I was impressed :)... I much prefer this story to the ones directed by Sam Raimi... (not that I didn't enjoy those).  I was glad to see that the cliché Spidey villain wasn't used and that he built the web shooters :)

And in TRUE Marvel style... I stayed till the end of the credits. (Hint: ALWAYS stay to the end of the credits with ANY superhero film :) there could be more) nice to see that they're leading into and hinting at a possible sequel already depending on fan reaction.  It could end up being the next Iron Man in which it does really well or the next Green Lantern in which case it doesn't.... Not that I understand why Green Lantern didn't do well i thought it was perfect and that Ryan Reynolds played an excellent Hal Jordan :)

In Any Case...


In the words of Stan Lee...


16 May 2012

Curse You PC World!!!

So... my plan for the entire day was to go to the city centre and pick myself up a copy of Diablo 3... This journey was in vein as I found none which left me the only other option... PC World reservation....

I went with the intention of purchasing and playing the game tonight instead i was hit with heartbreak and sadness when the Cashier told me that they had their shipment of the game delivered yesterday :)...
But hadn't unpacked them yet and i couldn't have one... So on the RELEASE DATE!!! of a game i cant get it until the day after leaving me one of the only people in my TeamSpeak channel who wanted the game without it...

So now i have to go back tomorrow night to get the game that i reserved and wanted the day of release...

Curse you lazy staff at PC World!!!!

Curse You!!

27 April 2012

Avengers, Assembled... And Kicked Ass!!!

So last night I managed to watch what I am dubbing "Film of the Year" and considering that it is only April, this should say a lot.

Avengers combines an all star cast with the genius of Joss Whedon.  I will admit I had my doubts that with all the hype that surrounded this movie for the past couple years I can happily say that I was pleasantly surprised.
The plot of the film was brilliantly written bringing back Tom Hiddleston to play the devilishly cunning Loki but with a far more darker personality than in Thor back in 2011.  The continuation of the character and growth of personality is all well established in the film.  Chris Hemsworth also returned as Loki's brother Thor but again with a character development from that of the previous movie, a more responsible, older Thor is seen in The Avengers.  Jeremy Renner who reprises his cameo role from Thor also appears as Agent Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, a new character to the live action movie franchise that marvel have been building on for the past few years.  But still a great part was played.

Mark Ruffalo picked up where Edward Norton left off as Bruce Banner/Hulk and again the green eyed monster was still changed slightly to have a sense of humour in many ways and with the uttering of the classic line "Hulk Smash!" made me feel like a 12 year old boy all over again.  Scarlett Johannson as Agent Natasha Romanoff played more that just a support role this time around as we learnt more about her history as a character as well as her relationship with Hawkeye. Samuel L Jackson leaped into the role who, was in many ways written for him, as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Nick Fury and didn't disappoint, as he rarely ever does.

Now Chris Evans.  I was slightly sceptical about using Chris Evans as Captain American originally as he played Johnny Storm/Human Torch in both Fantastic Four films but gladly I was mistaken.  He proved me wrong in Captain America: The First Avenger and he continues to do so by blowing the role away in this.  Superbly played giving a sense of command and patriotism that the character was written with and intended to have in the original comics.

This brings me onto who has quickly become one of my favourite actors in the business today playing one of the most perfect parts he has ever played.  Robert Downey Jr as the Cocky, Charming, Billionaire Businessman known to the Marvel Universe as Tony Stark and Iron Man.  Possibly my favourite series of movies yet to be made from the Marvel Universe.  The man en-captions the essence of Tony Stark and brings him to life on the Big Screen, every quip and line makes me think that I'm watching Downey Jr himself on screen and not the character he's playing because i believe the two are so similar a more perfect actor couldn't have been found to portray him.

The action in the film is exactly what you'd expect from a big budget superhero film and delivers Godly amounts to the audience.  The humour had to be expected when you have Downey Jr playing Stark but when it includes all the other characters as well and not only focused from one direction it becomes a multitude of laughs for everyone and not a single person in the audience last night could restrain their laughter at time in this film.

Overall this film was exactly and more what I expected and hoped it would be.  This will be a special edition purchase for me day of release if i can afford it at the time of DVD release and i strongly recommend that you see it.  Even if your not a fan of superhero movies this brings something for everyone to the table and should be fun for everyone. 5/5 rating for me and more if I could go over without seeming like an idiot.

Oh and one more thing... It's a Marvel film... So stay until the end of the credits ;-) Lets just say, there's been hints in the previous movies leading up to this that very few people have managed to spot and piece together.

26 April 2012


Been feeling pretty shitty for the past few days for one reason or another... I'm kinda hoping that the fact that I get too see the new Avengers movie tonight with one of my closest friends makes up for this.  She said last night that she needs to give me a serious talking to... kinda makes me worried about what she has to say tbf :-| however I know that whatever she says comes out of love so it shouldn't be too bad.

Anyway back to the crux of the subject, Avengers! I've been looking forward to this film for so long and from what I've heard from reviews its going to be amazing!!! I can only hope that Joss Whedon can do justice to the genius dreamt up from the mind of the legend that is Stan Lee.

24 April 2012

You may call me jealous. But I'm perplexed by this.

So before I started work today I was browsing through the news on the MSN website and I came across this video.

Now I watched this video all the way through and it made me think.  Not about the fact that its Justin Bieber, but that would every fan-girl/fan-boy be obsessed with these people had they not been famous in the first place.  I'm using Bieber as an example here but if he were just a normal kid living in Canada, not famous, no singles/albums, no YouTube videos would this horde of crazed girls be that bothered by him? And the answer to this question is, "I Don't Know" because we can never know! but in my opinion, they wouldn't look at him twice.

Fame is subjective to everyone, whether it's down to if an individual "deserves" to be famous or how famous a person is it's subjective to individuals or in this case groups.  Gone are the days when doing something worthwhile for the human race now gains you the amount of Stardom that a singer or actor gets any more.  People with ground-breaking achievements, people who really deserve the fame and attention are overlooked by the majority of the population and the media because One Direction or Justin Bieber coughs and the whole world just coo's and takes it because that's the way it is.

I'm in no way saying that I'm not guilty of this crime... I have idolise actors and musicians too but not for the way they look and I'm in no way obsessed to the degree that most of these people are or at all, and what's weird is that these people are (I'm sure) perfectly rational, emotionally balanced people to which I can vouch for as (if you watched the video) I personally know the girl who hugs him.

Le Première

Well.  I've been thinking about this for some time and never quite found the reason to start this.  But after a long drawn out thought process I decided that this would be a good method for me to channel my more, weird thoughts to enable me some freedom to think straight.  I've always had a problem with the arrogance that's needed in order to start a blog page but as long as the reason stays true to the original and not to gain notoriety or a cult following then I should be okay.

So lets crack on shall we?

As I am still trying to work out the bugs of this, for a while these posts will be largely unentertaining although may contain the odd picture or funny video that I may encounter on my journey.  SO! this is it for the first post, I hope that these do in fact become more entertaining and insightful as time goes on.  But, for now, this shall suffice.