16 May 2012

Curse You PC World!!!

So... my plan for the entire day was to go to the city centre and pick myself up a copy of Diablo 3... This journey was in vein as I found none which left me the only other option... PC World reservation....

I went with the intention of purchasing and playing the game tonight instead i was hit with heartbreak and sadness when the Cashier told me that they had their shipment of the game delivered yesterday :)...
But hadn't unpacked them yet and i couldn't have one... So on the RELEASE DATE!!! of a game i cant get it until the day after leaving me one of the only people in my TeamSpeak channel who wanted the game without it...

So now i have to go back tomorrow night to get the game that i reserved and wanted the day of release...

Curse you lazy staff at PC World!!!!

Curse You!!

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