22 August 2012

okay so maybe i was a lil ambitious...

Yeah daily topics... not working...

NEW TACTIC - write a new post at least twice a week... seems do able :)

SO on to today's post...

The fact that I spend almost all my time on the internet with a Facebook tab open is not a good thing for me... it used to be and now its not.  I don't know why i have to have it open its just basically people telling you about shit they either find funny or about their own personal problems, yes I do this sometimes as well were all guilty of it now and then.

Facebook is a place where you can say that your friends with other people, brag about shit no-one cares about or so you can get the latest gossip about who's sleeping with who or what your ex's from 10 years ago are up to now.

So why do I still need it, I know I'm a creature of habit so that may be partly the reason.  I know I don't really have self-control when it comes to certain things and that may also be a factor but to sit there at this mostly white page and skim down about 90% of bullshit that I don't really care about confuses me, a few times I've considered deactivating my Facebook but I cant do it because:

I Am Dan, and I am a Social Media Whore!

And I know that I am because it came up in a previous conversation after i got Twitter, my girlfriend at the time questioned why I need all these Social Media sites and in honesty because I'm a fickle nosey bastard that likes to know certain news (not all of it) and because I cant stop myself from trying them out.  (Yes I can bring this up because if I'm honest I'd doubt that she would read this and I don't think her family take that much of an interest in my life to tell her so...)

Seriously, started out seriously with a fucking webpage thing of which the name escapes me, then onto Bebo because it was the next best thing ever!  After which I jumped almost immediately onto the Myspace band wagon and then Facebook.  Then I categorically stated that as I had Facebook there would be two things I never got... A Blog and a Twitter! Low and behold what happened? I got a Blog and a Twitter... Now I know I have followers on Twitter but whether that's because im interesting or because I'm friends with most of these people is a different question and that question can also apply to this... I've seen that I've had people visit this a few times since I've had it and been writing the type of random shit that pops into my mind and I've also seen that it comes from Facebook which makes me wonder if these people wonder what I have to say or if they just want to try and poke fun or just being a nosey bastard.

But now... I enjoy blogging even it no-one else reads it, it gives me a chance to put my thoughts down and get out of my head for about 20minutes while I think of something to write about.

If I had a decent idea this creative energy would become a novel or something but I've never been a creative person because I lack the skills musically or with literature or art or anything like that as much as I would like to be I cant so this will have to do for now.

The only thing I would like on this would be some comments signed or unsigned... just for my own reasons of being a little bit egotistical and knowing that some people out there are actually reading what I'm saying.  If not I'm cool with that too and I leave you with this NSFW video that made me laugh earlier on that I found on a Facebook Wall. (It is good for some things)

Damn song's too fucking catchy ¬¬

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