26 July 2012

Batman Additional...

OH! I forgot something else...


get it right mother fucker!!!

Its pronounced RAYSH!!! RAY-SH AL GHUL!

2 fucking movies I've had to endure the mispronunciation of that name and its like nails on a fucking chalkboard to me ¬¬

BATMAN - Bad Acting, Terrible Movie, and NOLAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!

So... to many of you out there this isn't going to be a pleasant thing... that is of course on the provision that you read this.

So I've just come back from seeing The Dark Knight Rises and as I predicted... Nolan did it again... he took something and trashed it for the sake of box office reviews.

Almost from start to finish I found this film unbearably average and not the critically acclaimed, film of the year as everyone seems to be designating it.

I don't want to go too far into parts of it because of spoilers in case anyone reads this and hasn't seen it yet. So instead I'll focus on the issues that annoyed me.

1) YOU CANT JUST FUCKING ADD CHARACTERS INTO AN ESTABLISHED UNIVERSE!!!! My GOD Nolan this isn't some scribbled out film like Inception where you can just throw in new characters here and there...

2) WHAT THE FUCK is up with Bane's voice!!! He sounds like Sean Connery with fucking throat cancer :|

3) Bane's Mask... BULLSHIT!!!

4) Christian Bale... can't act simple...

5) The ending... I know you have to wrap up at some point but like that? ¬¬

6) Gotham in the day time... Should never be done...

7) Changing iconic parts of characters because it suits you... IS NOT COOL!!!

I can't think of anything else at the minute... but as I've also just found out that Nolan is also writing the screenplay to Man Of Steel (Superman 2013 Movie) I can only guess that he's going to somehow fuck that up as well and everyone is going to be completely in love with this as well...

My feelings for the "Nolanverse" Batman Franchise are very clear... as for Film Of The Year?

Still giving it to the Marvel Comics, Box Office Smash.

Avengers Assemble...
Can't Compete With Stan Lee...

I wish I could express my hatred of Nolan with an audio clip of Sheldon Cooper shouting Nolan like he does Wheaton, but I cant :(

7 July 2012

Change in format...

So i was watching House, M.D the other day and i decided that i was under using the blogging purpose... This is going to be used more as a diary for myself tbh... so might be day to day might be weekly... dunno yet...

Check back later :)

Amazing Spiderman

Well, I finally saw Amazing Spiderman today and I have to say I was impressed :)... I much prefer this story to the ones directed by Sam Raimi... (not that I didn't enjoy those).  I was glad to see that the cliché Spidey villain wasn't used and that he built the web shooters :)

And in TRUE Marvel style... I stayed till the end of the credits. (Hint: ALWAYS stay to the end of the credits with ANY superhero film :) there could be more) nice to see that they're leading into and hinting at a possible sequel already depending on fan reaction.  It could end up being the next Iron Man in which it does really well or the next Green Lantern in which case it doesn't.... Not that I understand why Green Lantern didn't do well i thought it was perfect and that Ryan Reynolds played an excellent Hal Jordan :)

In Any Case...


In the words of Stan Lee...